Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies


Prima di due Lezioni Dottorali su sviluppo globale e locale tenute il 21 e 26 aprile per il Dottorato in Economia dal professore Gary Gereffi (Duke University e CGGC), visiting professor al Centro Rossi-Doria e al Dipartimento di Economia, nell’ambito delle iniziative di internazionalizzazione di Ateneo 21 Aprile 2016 - LEZIONE 1 Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies Abstract. The Global Value Chain (GVC) framework has been widely adopted both by international organizations and academic scholars to explain the increasing international interdependence of economic activities and to capture the magnitude of globalization with its economic and social implications for countries [...]

Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies2021-12-15T13:16:57+01:00

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses


Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University Thursday April 28th, 2016 Sala delle Lauree – Università Roma Tre – Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali Via Silvio D'Amico 77 Roma Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: April 15th, 2016 To register, please write to: centro.rossidoria@uniroma3.it Abstract. The study of Global Value Chains (GVCs) is one of the best way to fully understand the modern organisation of production processes and international trade. The increasing importance of [...]

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses2021-01-28T10:04:57+01:00
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