Guido Fabiani, B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences; Ph.D. in Development Economics, Centro di Specializzazione e Ricerche Economico-Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno, Portici-Napoli; Full Professor of Economic Policy in 1980, Dean of Roma Tre Faculty of Economics “Federico Caffè” from 1992 to 1998, Provost of Roma Tre University from 1998 to 2013, is Professor Emeritus of Economic Policy.
From 2013 to 2018 he was appointed Councillor for Economic Development and Productive Activities in the Latium Regional Government.
Among the awards he has received are: Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur of the French Republic; Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru; Grado de Gran Oficial, Orden de Bernardo O’Higgins, Republic of Chile; Honorary Doctor of Arcadia University – The College of Global Studies, Philadelphia-PA.
His main fields of research include international and Italian agriculture; territorial and environmental planning; Southern Italy development. His books, translated into many languages, cover topics such as an analysis and economic policy of Italian and international agro-industrial systems; regional territorial planning; development of the Mezzogiorno.
Luca Salvatici is Full Professor in the Department of Economics,faculty of the Ph.D program in Economics, and coordinator of the Master program in “Economia dell’ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile” at Roma Tre University. He is the Editor of the NEP Report on International Trade, Associate Editor of the Italian Economic Journal, and participates in the Editorial Board of Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales. He is member of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, and he has been involved in several research projects both at the European and national level. He has extensive consultancy experience, having completed work for the The World Bank; the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; the International Food Policy Research Institute; the EU Commission. His most recent publications appear on: Energy Economics; European Review of Agricultural Economics; Journal of Economic Surveys; Review of International Economics; Journal of Global Economic Analysis; Food Policy.
Mara Giua is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Economics – Roma Tre University, where she teaches economic policy; urban and regional economics and quantitative methods for economic and policy analysis. She is also Visting Fellow at the London School of Economics and a member of the OpenCoesione Team at the Department for Development and Cohesion Policies of the Italian Presidency of Ministries. Starting from September 2019 she is vice-academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project ‘Understanding European Economic Policy: Towards a Deeper Union’, financed by the European Union. Her research focuses on the economic disparities across regions, sectors and firms in Europe and on the economic analysis of the policies implemented to counteract these imbalances. She published a number of papers on the economic impact of regional policy in the most disadvantaged areas of Europe, on the relations between the different European policies with a territorial dimension, on the role of the policies for the innovative and the most traditional sectors. Her principal articles appeared in Regional Studies, Journal of Regional Science, Environment and Planning A, Journal of Common Market Studies.
Department of Economics, Roma Tre University
Anna Giunta, M.Sc. in Economics, University of Southern California; Specialization Diploma in Development Economics, Center for Specialization and Agricultural Economic Research for Southern Italy, Portici – Naples, isFull Professor of Applied Economics, Department of Economics, Roma Tre University.
She is a member of: the “Committee of Ethics” – IVASS, Rome; the scientific committee of the Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP, Luiss, Rome); the “Comitato di Reggenza” of the Bank of Italy, Rome branch; of ì100 Experts; the scientific committee of the Europa Research Center (CER, Rome); the organizing committee of the School of Impact Evaluation of Public Policies, organized by the Rossi-Doria Centre.
She is Associate Editor of the Italian Economic Journal (Springer); Member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of International Business Policy> (Palgrave MacMillan); member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management; (Inderscience); member of the scientific committee of the Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno (Il Mulino, Bologna).
She was Director (2006-2014), together with Luca Salvatici, ofQA-Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria; President (2016-2019) of the Italian Society of Industrial Economics and Policy< (SIEPI); Director (2013-2023) of the Rossi-Doria Center; Member of the National Scientific Qualification Commission in Applied Economics (2012-13).
Her main research interests are: Global value chains; Firms’ organisation; Firms’ Internationalization; Evaluation of industrial and regional policies; Italian Economy; Firms’ Digitalization.
Her most recent articles are published in: Energy Economics; Journal of Economic Geography; International Economics; Industrial and Corporate Change; Journal of Technology Transfer; International Small Business Journal; The World Economy; Economic Letters; International Review of Applied Economics; Voxeu; International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development; Regional Studies. In 2017, she published together with Salvatore Rossi, the book: What Italy can do. Our economy after the great crisis, Rome, Laterza.
Department for Innovation in Biological Systems, Food and Forestry (DIBAF), University of Tuscia
Anna Carbone, Centro di Specializzazione e Ricerche Economico-Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno, Portici – Napoli; Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Department for Innovation in Biological Systems, Food and Forestry (DIBAF), University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. She teaches at undergraduate and graduate students at Tuscia University and RomaTre University in the field of agri-food economics. In recent years she has been consultant for: FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), CREA (National Council for the Research in Agriculture and Agricultural Economics), Arsial (lazio Region Agency for Innovation and Development in Agriculture), Vicedirector of Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research. Her current research interests are focused on: supply chain for quality food; hedonic pricing for quality attributes; typical food and local development; international trade for quality agro-food products; ageing and turnover in agricultural sector. She has recently published in journal such as: Journal of Food and Agricultural Industrial Organization; Journal of Wine Research; British Food Journal; Bio-based Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Food Economics; Journal of Food System Dynamics; QA-Rivista dell’Associazione Manlio Rossi-Doria.