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So far Centro Rossi-Doria has created 170 blog entries.

XVII SIEPI Annual Workshop, Roma Tre University, 31 January – 1 February 2019


Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale XVII ANNUAL WORKSHOP ROME: 31 January - 1 February 2019 Università Roma Tre Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali Via Silvio D'Amico, 77, 00145 Roma RM CALL FOR PAPERS - EXTENDED DEADLINE (14/10/2018) FINAL PROGRAMME (last updated 19/01/2019) Il XVII Workshop Annuale della Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale si terrà a Roma presso la Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali, Università Roma Tre, nelle giornate del 31 gennaio e 1 Febbraio 2019. I temi del Workshop sono, in generale, quelli tipici di Economia e Politica Industriale. Per questa edizione si sollecitano, in particolare, contributi in [...]

XVII SIEPI Annual Workshop, Roma Tre University, 31 January – 1 February 20192021-01-14T10:24:44+01:00

GDS17 – Sixth Meeting (03/12/2018)


The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com     The Sixth GDS17 Meeting was scheduled on December 3rd 2018. Here [...]

GDS17 – Sixth Meeting (03/12/2018)2021-02-16T12:09:45+01:00

ITA-Rossi-Doria Centre Studies on Free Trade Agreements (FTA)


Some elements of the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) in force or still ongoing negotiations, between the EU and Third Countries can provide opportunities for the internationalization of Italian firms. However, currently, access to useful information, organized in a coherent and easily understandable system, is not easy. For these reasons, ITA - Italian Trade Agency, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), has developed a project to provide information to Italian firms on the opportunities arising from the Free Trade Agreements. The project aims to contribute increasing use of agreements in force and under approval, as important opportunities for developing [...]

ITA-Rossi-Doria Centre Studies on Free Trade Agreements (FTA)2021-01-14T10:27:59+01:00

Drivers of Competitiviness in Italy: Study for DG ECFIN


The “Study on firm-level drivers of export performance and external competitiveness in Italy”, in partnership with MET, was developed as part of a research project for the European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN). This is a study on Italy’s international competitiveness based on firm-level data aimed at providing policy recommendations that the European Commission will submit to the Italian government. This report provides an in-depth study on the main firm-level drivers of corporate external competitiveness in Italy during the years of the recent crisis. In this sense, it contributes to the debate on the appraisal of the Italian international position [...]

Drivers of Competitiviness in Italy: Study for DG ECFIN2021-01-14T10:30:51+01:00

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2018: Josef Schmidhuber (FAO), Key Trends and Challenges for Global Agricultural Markets in the Presence of Disruptive Technologies


The Rossi-Doria Lectures are held, once a year since 1997, by Italian and international distinguished scholars. Since 2014, the Lectures are organized by Rossi-Doria Centre. The Rossi-Doria Lecture 2018, scheduled on Wednesday 12 December 2018 at Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali of Roma Tre University, was held by Josef Schmidhuber (Deputy Director Trade and Markets Division, UN Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO) on the theme “Key Trends and Challenges for Global Agricultural Markets in the Presence of Disruptive Technologies”. The Lecture provided an overview of key results and drivers for global agricultural markets over the next 10 years and beyond. It presented prospective [...]

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2018: Josef Schmidhuber (FAO), Key Trends and Challenges for Global Agricultural Markets in the Presence of Disruptive Technologies2021-01-28T09:51:53+01:00

GDS17 – Fourth Meeting (02/07/2018)


The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com   The Fourth GDS17 Meeting was scheduled on July 2nd,  2018. Here is [...]

GDS17 – Fourth Meeting (02/07/2018)2021-03-05T10:01:02+01:00

GDS17 – Third Meeting (07/05/2018)


  .                The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com     The Third [...]

GDS17 – Third Meeting (07/05/2018)2021-03-09T08:43:05+01:00

GDS17 – Second Meeting (12/03/2018)


  .              The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com The Second [...]

GDS17 – Second Meeting (12/03/2018)2021-03-09T08:43:16+01:00

Second Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making


 - Call for Applications - Extended Deadline  - Call for Applications   - Application Form FINAL PROGRAMME On July 15th 2015 Giovanni Anania suddenly passed away. Giovanni was a pillar in the profession and a natural academic leader for young agricultural and international economics scholars. He also was an institutional leader, serving as president of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), and at the University of Calabria, where he served as Head of the Department of Economics as well as a member of the University Executive Board. To honor Giovanni, the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), the Rossi-Doria Center [...]

Second Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making2021-01-28T09:59:12+01:00

GDS17 – First Meeting (11/12/2017)


The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com     The First GDS17 Meeting was scheduled on December 11th, 2017. Here [...]

GDS17 – First Meeting (11/12/2017)2021-03-05T10:00:36+01:00

Book Presentation: Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri, by Guido Fabiani


The Chair of Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura Prof. Giorgio Cantelli Forti is pleased to invite you to the cycle of meetings 'I Libri all'Accademia' Book Presentation Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri. by Guido Fabiani. Donzelli editore, 2015 Presentation Romano Prodi, Chair Foundation for World Wide Cooperation Simona Caselli, Assessore Agricoltura, Caccia e Pesca Regione Emilia-Romagna   Abstract. Alla metà del secolo scorso, nelle economie avanzate, l’agricoltura rappresentava ancora una fonte importante di reddito e di occupazione. Oggi il suo contributo alla formazione della ricchezza e all’impiego di forza lavoro è minimo. Ma è divenuto grande il peso dei [...]

Book Presentation: Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri, by Guido Fabiani2021-01-15T11:14:48+01:00

EXPO 2015 – Woman in Parliaments Global Forum: Women in Agricultural Development, Fight Against Food Waste, Nutrition and Health


The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) in cooperation with the Italian Senate (Senato della Repubblica) and Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati), will address the topics of the Expo with sessions on agriculture and development, fight against food waste, health and nutrition. To this event will attend, among others, the Vice -Director of Rossi-Doria Centre, Anna Carbone. PROGRAMME

EXPO 2015 – Woman in Parliaments Global Forum: Women in Agricultural Development, Fight Against Food Waste, Nutrition and Health2021-01-13T12:55:48+01:00
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