Worskhop Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity


Tuesday 10 April 2018, h. 15:30 Workshop Contrattazione collettiva, mercato del lavoro, produttività (Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity) Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University Department of Political Science, Roma Tre University Programme 15:00-16:15         Effetti della contrattazione collettiva nel mercato del lavoro Coordina: Anna Giunta (Università Roma Tre e Centro Rossi-Doria) Tito Boeri (Università Bocconi), Andrea Ichino (European University Institute), Enrico Moretti (University of California, Berkeley), Johanna Posch (European University Institute), Unintended Consequences of Nominal Wage Equality Across Regions. Marianna Belloc (Sapienza Università di Roma), Paolo Naticchioni (Università Roma Tre), Claudia Vittori (Sapienza Università di Roma), Collective Bargaining, Cost of Living, and Urban Wage Premia. Apre la discussione: [...]

Worskhop Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity2021-01-28T09:59:04+01:00

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)


Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains. Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University   Keynote Speaker: Tim Sturgeon, MIT Industrial Performance Center (IPC) GVCs since the Global Trade Collapse: Experiences from China and Brazil. Thursday 22 – Friday 23 March 2018 Venue: Sala delle Lauree Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali, Università Roma Tre Via Silvio D’Amico 77, Roma Participation to Workshop is free, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: March 5th, 2018 To register, please mail to: [...]

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)2021-01-14T18:17:07+01:00

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2017: Giancarlo Corsetti (Cambridge University), New international Relations and Economics


Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research , Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University Tuesday 28 March 2017 h. 17:00 ROSSI-DORIA LECTURE 2017 L’economia delle nuove relazioni internazionali (New international relations and economics) Giancarlo Corsetti Professor of Macroeconomics, Cambridge University Director of Cambridge-INET  Greetings Silvia Terzi (Director, Department of Economics, Roma Tre University) Guido Fabiani (President, Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University) Introduction and Chair Anna Giunta (Director, Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University) A cocktail will follow Venue Aula del Consiglio (primo piano) Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università Roma Tre Via Ostiense 161 The Lecture will be held in [...]

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2017: Giancarlo Corsetti (Cambridge University), New international Relations and Economics2021-01-28T09:56:58+01:00

Anna Giunta: 12° Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica


22 giugno 2016 Intervento di Anna Giunta, Università Roma Tre e Centro Rossi-Doria: Le imprese italiane e le catene globali del valore: il contributo delle nuove informazioni statistiche. Temi Emergenti: Competitività e Crescita: Le Risposte della Statistica Ufficiale Dodicesima Conferenza nazionale di statistica Roma, 22-23-24 giugno 2016 Ergife Palace Centro Congressi Via Aurelia, 619

Anna Giunta: 12° Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica2021-01-15T10:36:59+01:00

Book Presentation: Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri, by Guido Fabiani


The Chair of Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura Prof. Giorgio Cantelli Forti is pleased to invite you to the cycle of meetings 'I Libri all'Accademia' Book Presentation Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri. by Guido Fabiani. Donzelli editore, 2015 Presentation Romano Prodi, Chair Foundation for World Wide Cooperation Simona Caselli, Assessore Agricoltura, Caccia e Pesca Regione Emilia-Romagna   Abstract. Alla metà del secolo scorso, nelle economie avanzate, l’agricoltura rappresentava ancora una fonte importante di reddito e di occupazione. Oggi il suo contributo alla formazione della ricchezza e all’impiego di forza lavoro è minimo. Ma è divenuto grande il peso dei [...]

Book Presentation: Agricoltura-mondo. La storia contemporanea e gli scenari futuri, by Guido Fabiani2021-01-15T11:14:48+01:00

EXPO 2015 – Woman in Parliaments Global Forum: Women in Agricultural Development, Fight Against Food Waste, Nutrition and Health


The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) in cooperation with the Italian Senate (Senato della Repubblica) and Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati), will address the topics of the Expo with sessions on agriculture and development, fight against food waste, health and nutrition. To this event will attend, among others, the Vice -Director of Rossi-Doria Centre, Anna Carbone. PROGRAMME

EXPO 2015 – Woman in Parliaments Global Forum: Women in Agricultural Development, Fight Against Food Waste, Nutrition and Health2021-01-13T12:55:48+01:00

First Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making.


Regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the EU Agriculture and Rural Development. 11-15 July 2016, Rende (CS), Italy To honor Giovanni Anania, suddenly passed away on July 15th 2015, the AIEAA, the Rossi-Doria Centre and the University of Calabria, with the organizational support of the CREA - Policies and Bio-economy Center of Rende (CS), have organized a Summer School for PhD candidates and young researchers, a constant focus in Giovanni’s mentoring action. The Giovanni Anania Summer School is a new advanced programme for applied economists in the field of policy formulation and evaluation. It integrates theoretical lectures on specific topics with up-to-date [...]

First Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making.2021-02-15T10:58:51+01:00

First Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making. Regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the EU Agriculture and Rural Development. 11-15 July 2016, Rende (CS), Italy


To honor Giovanni Anania, suddenly passed away on July 15th 2015, the AIEAA, the Rossi-Doria Centre and the University of Calabria, with the organizational support of the CREA - Policies and Bio-economy Center of Rende (CS), have organized a Summer School for PhD candidates and young researchers, a constant focus in Giovanni’s mentoring action. The Giovanni Anania Summer School is a new advanced programme for applied economists in the field of policy formulation and evaluation. It integrates theoretical lectures on specific topics with up-to-date empirical sessions and case studies. We would be delighted to welcome you at the University of Calabria, [...]

First Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making. Regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the EU Agriculture and Rural Development. 11-15 July 2016, Rende (CS), Italy2021-02-09T16:20:23+01:00

Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies


Prima di due Lezioni Dottorali su sviluppo globale e locale tenute il 21 e 26 aprile per il Dottorato in Economia dal professore Gary Gereffi (Duke University e CGGC), visiting professor al Centro Rossi-Doria e al Dipartimento di Economia, nell’ambito delle iniziative di internazionalizzazione di Ateneo 21 Aprile 2016 - LEZIONE 1 Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies Abstract. The Global Value Chain (GVC) framework has been widely adopted both by international organizations and academic scholars to explain the increasing international interdependence of economic activities and to capture the magnitude of globalization with its economic and social implications for countries [...]

Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies2021-12-15T13:16:57+01:00

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses


Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University Thursday April 28th, 2016 Sala delle Lauree – Università Roma Tre – Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali Via Silvio D'Amico 77 Roma Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: April 15th, 2016 To register, please write to: centro.rossidoria@uniroma3.it Abstract. The study of Global Value Chains (GVCs) is one of the best way to fully understand the modern organisation of production processes and international trade. The increasing importance of [...]

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses2021-01-28T10:04:57+01:00

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2016: Anil Markandya, The EU 2015 Low-Carbon Strategy: Which Policy Design? 14/03/2016


ROSSI-DORIA LECTURE 2016 THE EU 2050 LOW-CARBON STRATEGY: WHICH POLICY DESIGN? Keynote Speaker Anil Markandya, BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change Introduction and Chair: Valeria Costantini, Department of Economics and Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University in collaboration with Department of Economics, Roma Tre University and Master in Environment and Development Economics, Roma Tre University Final Programme, video and follow-up Abstract. The CECILIA2050 project has been set up to understand how policy instruments work in interaction, what factors determine their performance, and how the European climate policy instruments mix should evolve [...]

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2016: Anil Markandya, The EU 2015 Low-Carbon Strategy: Which Policy Design? 14/03/20162021-01-15T13:03:02+01:00

EXPO 2015 – Conference: World Agri-Food Trade and Role of Made in Italy


The Conference is organized wthin EXPO 2015 by Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University (scientific Coordinator professor Fabrizio De Filippis) in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF)   PROGRAMME  Registration Form INTRODUCTION Fabrizio De Filippis (Roma Tre University) SESSION I Giovanni Anania (University of Calabria), Negoziati commerciali e competitività delle imprese agro-alimentari italiane Alessandro Olper (University of Milan), Apertura commerciale, produttività e capacità di esportazione delle imprese agroalimentari Margherita Scoppola (University of Macerata), La recente ondata di investimenti esteri nel sistema agroalimentare mondiale: fattori trainanti e conseguenze per l'Europa e l'Italia SESSION II Anna Carbone (Università of Tuscia), Fabrizio [...]

EXPO 2015 – Conference: World Agri-Food Trade and Role of Made in Italy2021-01-15T11:47:14+01:00
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