Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions


Department of Economics and Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach Here the presentation Ferraresi, T., Ghezzi, L., Vanni, F., Guerini, M., Lamperti, F., Reissl, S., Fagiolo, G., Caiani, A., Napoletano, M., Roventini, A. Introduces and coordinates: Luca Salvatici (Roma Tre University e Centro Rossi-Doria)   In this work, we evaluate the exposure of Italian regions to the risk associated with the spread of COVID-19 through a two-step value-chain approach. First, we estimate the degree of participation of Italian regions in a plurality of [...]

Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions2021-02-11T10:16:18+01:00

International School for Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” First Edition


International School for Advanced Training: Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications (11-22 June 2018) The Manlio Rossi-Doria Center for Economic and Social Research of Roma Tre University is instituting an International School for Advanced Training: Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications 2018 EDITION: PROGRAMME, INFORMATION UPDATES AND FOLLOW-UP! Bando (Italian) – Call for Applications (English) Flyer (Italian) – (English) The Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Social and Economic Research is a leading academic institute at Roma Tre University. Its research and advanced training activities focus on economic development, internationalization of firms, public policies and European integration. This year the Centre will hold its first [...]

International School for Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” First Edition2021-02-09T16:16:43+01:00

Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 05/11/2015


Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 5 novembre 2015 The Master in Human Development and Food Security at Roma Tre University will organize a formal Opening event on November 5th, 2015 at Roma Tre University. The event will start with the special lecture hold by Dr. Patrick Caron – Director General of CIRAD and member of the High-Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) Steering Committee of the Committee on World Food Security- entitled: “Food Security – Agriculture – Environment: how to get into the nexus? how to look at a new revolution” A Round Table on “Conclusion and Follow up on [...]

Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 05/11/20152021-01-14T09:00:26+01:00

International school for advanced training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” 3.2 Edition


The 3.2 edition of the International School of Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, methods, applications” will be held online from 12 to 16 October 2020. More information here.

International school for advanced training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” 3.2 Edition2021-01-27T13:20:20+01:00

Opening lecture “The culture of evaluation”. Dott. Raffaello Bronzini


On October 12th at 10.30 am there will be the kick-off of the International School of Advanced Training "Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concept, Methods, Applications" (Edition 3.2) organized by the Rossi-Doria Centre and the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University. The Opening Lecture "The culture of evaluation" held by Raffaello Bronzini (Bank of Italy) can be followed at this link.

Opening lecture “The culture of evaluation”. Dott. Raffaello Bronzini2021-01-27T13:12:44+01:00

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2019: Enrico Letta (Paris School of International Affairs)


The Rossi-Doria Lectures are held, once a year since 1997, by Italian and international distinguished scholars. Since 2014, the Lectures are organized by Rossi-Doria Centre. Monday 21 October 2019 ROSSI-DORIA LECTURE 2019 Enrico Letta (Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po in Paris and President of the Jacques Delors Institute) European integration and a new global dimension. The EU between China and the USA. Coordinator: Anna Giunta (Roma Tre University and Rossi Doria-Centre) 4.45 pm Welcome coffee 5:00 pm Greetings from the Magnificent Rector, Luca Pietromarchi 5:15 pm Introduces Guido Fabiani (Roma Tre University and Rossi-Doria Centre) 5:30 pm Rossi-Doria Lecture 2019 Rectorate’s [...]

Rossi-Doria Lecture 2019: Enrico Letta (Paris School of International Affairs)2021-02-09T16:14:19+01:00

Second Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making (Rende, 16-20 July 2018) – Call for Applications (Extended Deadline 20/04/2018)


On July 15th 2015 Giovanni Anania suddenly passed away. Giovanni was a pillar in the profession and a natural academic leader for young agricultural and international economics scholars. He also was an institutional leader, serving as president of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), and at the University of Calabria, where he served as Head of the Department of Economics as well as a member of the University Executive Board. To honor Giovanni, the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), the Rossi-Doria Center and the University of Calabria have organized a Summer School for PhD candidates and young [...]

Second Giovanni Anania Summer School on Evidence-Based Policy Making (Rende, 16-20 July 2018) – Call for Applications (Extended Deadline 20/04/2018)2021-01-14T10:41:04+01:00

Edoardo Baldoni is awarded Scholarship in Memory of Giovanni Anania 2018


Scholarship in Memory of Giovanni Anania 2018 (Catanzaro 9 December 1957- Rende 15 July 2015) Edoardo Baldoni is the winner of the Giovanni Anania Fellowship 2018 with the project on  The size-productivity relationship in the European agriculture. Leveraging farm-level data to account for farms technological heterogeneity.

Edoardo Baldoni is awarded Scholarship in Memory of Giovanni Anania 20182021-01-27T16:11:26+01:00

Free Trade Agreements: An Opportunity for Growth (Milan)


GLI ACCORDI DI LIBERO SCAMBIO: UN’OPPORTUNITÀ DI CRESCITA (Free Trade Agreements: An Opportunity for Growth) Milan, 3 May 2018 Assolombarda – Sala Falck Via Chiaravalle 8, Milan This meeting marks the start of a project carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development and ICE- Italian Trade Agency to inform companies on the opportunities deriving from the Free Trade Agreements as an instrument of preferential access to the main international markets. Discussion will cover agreements already in force, such as those with South Korea and Canada, and others in the finalization phase, in particular Vietnam and Japan. Preferential access to international markets [...]

Free Trade Agreements: An Opportunity for Growth (Milan)2021-01-27T16:13:44+01:00

Worskhop Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity


Tuesday 10 April 2018, h. 15:30 Workshop Contrattazione collettiva, mercato del lavoro, produttività (Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity) Rossi-Doria Centre, Roma Tre University Department of Political Science, Roma Tre University Programme 15:00-16:15         Effetti della contrattazione collettiva nel mercato del lavoro Coordina: Anna Giunta (Università Roma Tre e Centro Rossi-Doria) Tito Boeri (Università Bocconi), Andrea Ichino (European University Institute), Enrico Moretti (University of California, Berkeley), Johanna Posch (European University Institute), Unintended Consequences of Nominal Wage Equality Across Regions. Marianna Belloc (Sapienza Università di Roma), Paolo Naticchioni (Università Roma Tre), Claudia Vittori (Sapienza Università di Roma), Collective Bargaining, Cost of Living, and Urban Wage Premia. Apre la discussione: [...]

Worskhop Collective Bargaining, Labour Market, Productivity2021-01-28T09:59:04+01:00

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)


Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains. Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University   Keynote Speaker: Tim Sturgeon, MIT Industrial Performance Center (IPC) GVCs since the Global Trade Collapse: Experiences from China and Brazil. Thursday 22 – Friday 23 March 2018 Venue: Sala delle Lauree Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali, Università Roma Tre Via Silvio D’Amico 77, Roma Participation to Workshop is free, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: March 5th, 2018 To register, please mail to: [...]

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)2021-01-14T18:17:07+01:00

Study Presentation: Trade in Value Added Decomposition in the GTAP Model: Rossi-Doria Centre for EU Commission (Brussels, 05/03/2018)


On Monday 5 March, DG TRADE and DG GROWTH of EU Commission will jointly host in Brussels Ilaria Fusacchia and Luca Salvatici (Roma Tre University and Rossi-Doria Centre) in the Economic Seminar Series. They will present the main results of Rossi-Doria Centre's project for EU Commission titled: Trade in value added decomposition in the GTAP model Abstract: Companies divide their operations across the word, from the design of the product and manufacturing of components to assembly and marketing, creating international production chains. The statistical bias created by attributing the full commercial value to the last country of origin can pervert the political debate on the origin of the imbalances and [...]

Study Presentation: Trade in Value Added Decomposition in the GTAP Model: Rossi-Doria Centre for EU Commission (Brussels, 05/03/2018)2021-01-14T10:58:07+01:00
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