Big Science, Learning and Innovation: Evidence From CERN Procurement, 2017

Big Science, Learning and Innovation: Evidence From CERN Procurement, 20172021-01-12T10:02:20+01:00

With a team of economists and of physicists oUniversity of Milan, Rossi-Doria Centre-Roma Tre University and CSIL Center for Industrial Studies, led by Massimo Florio and Stefano Forte, the Rossi-Doria Centre participated in a research project aiming at evaluating social costs and benefits of the next project of CERN: the “Future Circular Collider“.
In particular, the Rossi-Doria Centre, with the project “Approach Application of Global Value Chains to High-Tech Suppliers of CERN”, estimated the socio-economic impact of CERN on businesses in the supply chain and other organizations.
The financing of basic research infrastructure has become a critical issue in recent years. It remains, however, the problem of having to justify in terms of the socio-economic impact a substantial investment of resources in basic research (see Florio, M., Forte, S., & Sirtori, E., 2016, the Social Forecasting Impact of the Large Hadron Collider: A Cost-Benefit Analysis to 2025 and Beyond. Technological Forecasting & Social Change).

The research results have been published in the Working papers series of Department of Economics, Roma Tre University, and indexed in RePec e in EconLit:
Massimo Florio, Francesco Giffoni, Anna Giunta, Emanuela Sirtori. Big Science, Learning and Innovation: Evidence From CERN Procurement, Working Paper 225 (Collana del Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli studi Roma Tre) (online), 2017.


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