GVC in Europe: EU-IOSCA inaugural workshop


The inaugural workshop of the EU Inclusive Open Strategic Autonomy Centre (EU-IOSAC) on Global Value Chains in Europe will take place on the 7th of June 2024 at the Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP) of Luiss University, located in via di villa emiliani 14. Workshop programme: 9:15 – 9:45  Registration and coffee break 9:45 – 10:00  Welcome of Participants and Opening Remarks, Valentina Meliciani (Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy   10:00 – 13:00 The changing structure of Global Value Chains Chair : Prof. Anna Giunta (Roma Tre University and Centro Rossi Doria) Keynote by Bart Los – University of Groningen [...]

GVC in Europe: EU-IOSCA inaugural workshop2024-05-23T20:07:06+02:00

Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions


Department of Economics and Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach Here the presentation Ferraresi, T., Ghezzi, L., Vanni, F., Guerini, M., Lamperti, F., Reissl, S., Fagiolo, G., Caiani, A., Napoletano, M., Roventini, A. Introduces and coordinates: Luca Salvatici (Roma Tre University e Centro Rossi-Doria)   In this work, we evaluate the exposure of Italian regions to the risk associated with the spread of COVID-19 through a two-step value-chain approach. First, we estimate the degree of participation of Italian regions in a plurality of [...]

Seminar: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions2021-02-11T10:16:18+01:00

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)


Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains. Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University   Keynote Speaker: Tim Sturgeon, MIT Industrial Performance Center (IPC) GVCs since the Global Trade Collapse: Experiences from China and Brazil. Thursday 22 – Friday 23 March 2018 Venue: Sala delle Lauree Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali, Università Roma Tre Via Silvio D’Amico 77, Roma Participation to Workshop is free, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: March 5th, 2018 To register, please mail to: [...]

Fifth Worskhop on Global Value Chains. Updating our Knowledge on Global Value Chains (22-23 March 2018)2021-01-14T18:17:07+01:00

Anna Giunta: 12° Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica


22 giugno 2016 Intervento di Anna Giunta, Università Roma Tre e Centro Rossi-Doria: Le imprese italiane e le catene globali del valore: il contributo delle nuove informazioni statistiche. Temi Emergenti: Competitività e Crescita: Le Risposte della Statistica Ufficiale Dodicesima Conferenza nazionale di statistica Roma, 22-23-24 giugno 2016 Ergife Palace Centro Congressi Via Aurelia, 619

Anna Giunta: 12° Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica2021-01-15T10:36:59+01:00

Conference concluding Giovanni Anania Summer School


Conference in Memory of Giovanni Anania: Challenges to Agricultural Policies and Implications for National and Local Agri-Food Sectors To honor Giovanni Anania, suddenly passed away on July 15th 2015, the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), the Rossi-Doria Centre and the University of Calabria, have organized a Summer School for PhD candidates and young researchers, a constant focus in Giovanni’s mentoring action. This Conference follows and concludes the Summer School. PROGRAMME 9.00 – 9.15 Institutional Greetings 9.15 -11.00 Challenges to agricultural policies in the EU and US Chair: Alex McCalla (University of California, Davis, US) 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30 [...]

Conference concluding Giovanni Anania Summer School2021-01-27T17:21:04+01:00

Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies


Prima di due Lezioni Dottorali su sviluppo globale e locale tenute il 21 e 26 aprile per il Dottorato in Economia dal professore Gary Gereffi (Duke University e CGGC), visiting professor al Centro Rossi-Doria e al Dipartimento di Economia, nell’ambito delle iniziative di internazionalizzazione di Ateneo 21 Aprile 2016 - LEZIONE 1 Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies Abstract. The Global Value Chain (GVC) framework has been widely adopted both by international organizations and academic scholars to explain the increasing international interdependence of economic activities and to capture the magnitude of globalization with its economic and social implications for countries [...]

Lezione Dottorale: Global Value Chains and Development: Governance, Upgrading and Emerging Economies2021-12-15T13:16:57+01:00

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses


Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University Department of Economics, Roma Tre University Thursday April 28th, 2016 Sala delle Lauree – Università Roma Tre – Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali Via Silvio D'Amico 77 Roma Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. Deadline for registration: April 15th, 2016 To register, please write to: centro.rossidoria@uniroma3.it Abstract. The study of Global Value Chains (GVCs) is one of the best way to fully understand the modern organisation of production processes and international trade. The increasing importance of [...]

Fourth Workshop Italy in the GVCs. Country, Regions and Firms Analyses2021-01-28T10:04:57+01:00

Second Workshop Global Value Chains. Perception, Reality and Measurement


Keynote Speaker: Tim Sturgeon, MIT Industrial Performance Center (IPC) Global Value Chains. Perception, Reality and Measurement Discussants: Rita Cappariello, Bank of Italy – FAQ on GVCs: Some Answers from the Global I-O Tables Approach Silvia Nenci, Università Roma Tre University – From Perception to Research and Decision Making: Trade in value added and GVC indicators. Chair: Anna Giunta, Università Roma Tre University INVITATION Page of Event and Follow-Up Tuesday 29th October 2014, h. 15:00 Sala delle Lauree (Ground Floor) Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali Università Roma Tre Via Silvio D'Amico 77 00145

Second Workshop Global Value Chains. Perception, Reality and Measurement2021-01-28T10:09:32+01:00

First Workshop Global Value Chains for Food and Nutrition Security 25-26 September 2014


Organizers: Center on Globalization, Governance, & Competitiveness International Food Policy Research Institute Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research ANNOUNCEMENT FINAL PROGRAMME AND FOLLOW-UP Keynote Speaker: Gary Gereffi (Center on Globalization, Governance, & Competitiveness – Duke University) Abstract. Roma Tre University will host the Global value chains for food and nutrition security Workshop. The Global value chains (GVC) framework is a useful analytic tool to understand how international economic processes, particularly the role of transnational corporations, impact structural conditions related to food and nutrition. These conditions make certain types of food available that can potentially impact childhood obesity rates in both [...]

First Workshop Global Value Chains for Food and Nutrition Security 25-26 September 20142021-01-15T12:39:32+01:00
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