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So far Centro Rossi-Doria has created 170 blog entries.

International School for Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” First Edition


International School for Advanced Training: Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications (11-22 June 2018) The Manlio Rossi-Doria Center for Economic and Social Research of Roma Tre University is instituting an International School for Advanced Training: Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications 2018 EDITION: PROGRAMME, INFORMATION UPDATES AND FOLLOW-UP! Bando (Italian) – Call for Applications (English) Flyer (Italian) – (English) The Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Social and Economic Research is a leading academic institute at Roma Tre University. Its research and advanced training activities focus on economic development, internationalization of firms, public policies and European integration. This year the Centre will hold its first [...]

International School for Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” First Edition2021-02-09T16:16:43+01:00

GDS17 – Seventeenth Meeting (11/01/2021)


  .              The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com The Seventeenth [...]

GDS17 – Seventeenth Meeting (11/01/2021)2021-03-09T08:32:31+01:00

Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 05/11/2015


Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 5 novembre 2015 The Master in Human Development and Food Security at Roma Tre University will organize a formal Opening event on November 5th, 2015 at Roma Tre University. The event will start with the special lecture hold by Dr. Patrick Caron – Director General of CIRAD and member of the High-Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) Steering Committee of the Committee on World Food Security- entitled: “Food Security – Agriculture – Environment: how to get into the nexus? how to look at a new revolution” A Round Table on “Conclusion and Follow up on [...]

Opening Day 2015-2016 Master in Human Development and Food Security 05/11/20152021-01-14T09:00:26+01:00

International School for advanced training: “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” Second Edition


International School for advanced training: “Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications” Second Edition The 2019 Edition of the School is made of two independent modules: From 10 to 14 June 2019: politiche industriali e territoriali (in italian). From 17 to 21 June 2019: impact evaluation of development policies (in english). NEW PROGRAMME OF THE SECOND WEEK

International School for advanced training: “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” Second Edition2021-01-27T15:43:14+01:00

GDS17 – Sixteenth Meeting (07/12/2020)


  .                The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com   The Sixteenth GDS17 [...]

GDS17 – Sixteenth Meeting (07/12/2020)2021-03-09T08:32:40+01:00

GDS17 – Fifteenth Meeting (05/10/2020)


  .                The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com The Fifteenth GDS17 Meeting [...]

GDS17 – Fifteenth Meeting (05/10/2020)2021-03-09T08:32:55+01:00

GDS17 – Fourteenth Meeting (08/06/2020)


  .                The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com The Fourteenth GDS17 Meeting [...]

GDS17 – Fourteenth Meeting (08/06/2020)2021-03-09T08:33:02+01:00

GDS17 – Thirteenth Meeting (25/05/2020)


  .              The GDS17 is a study group on the impact of economic policies established in Rome on December 2017 by some academics of Roma Tre and Sapienza. The group is intended as a place for discussions and debate, involving professors, researchers, PhD students and experts in an informal and participative way. The aim is to gather ideas and proposals and propose together a planning of initiatives (including researches, debates, projects.) to be promoted during the year. For the period 2019-2022, the GDS17 is supported by  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project For information: gds17roma@gmail.com The Thriteenth  GDS17 Meeting was [...]

GDS17 – Thirteenth Meeting (25/05/2020)2021-03-09T08:33:11+01:00

International school for advanced training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” 3.1 Edition


The 3.1 edition of the International School of Advanced Training “Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, methods, applications” will be held online from 6 to 10 July 2020. Deadline for application: 15 June. More information here.

International school for advanced training “Public Policy Impact Assessment.” 3.1 Edition2021-02-09T15:58:04+01:00

International school “Impact Evaluation for development policies”


The international school of advanced training in English language "Impact evaluation of development policies: concepts, methods and applications" will be held online from June 22 to July 3, 2020 and is organized by ICID (Italian Centre for International Development) in partnership with the Rossi-Doria Research Centre. Further information here.

International school “Impact Evaluation for development policies”2021-01-27T13:23:35+01:00

Sixth Workshop on Global Value Chains (21-22 May 2020) – Event Cancelled


We are sorry to inform that, due to the current situation caused by the ongoing pandemic, the Sixth Workshop on Global Value Chains is cancelled. Information on the new date will be immediately published on the Center's website.

Sixth Workshop on Global Value Chains (21-22 May 2020) – Event Cancelled2021-01-14T09:49:00+01:00
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